SHARAPPA TUNE: mardi-gras

Sunday, February 26, 2006


okay, i am here.

look this is me blogging. think that someone somewhere cares. problem, my best friend margaret Never looks at things online. she makes me Call her!!!! can you believe? on the phone, call her. oh, does she ever answer.

no, she does not. she has a teenage girl on the interWeb all f-ing day. by f-ing i mean fencing, but i do not like to write that word out all the way.

what is the point? oh, anyway i Know i have things to say, because i am always thinking up things and then i say them out loud. . . a Lot. Frequently, folk'll say, "hey, shut up, okay" but more often than not they think my words are funny.

here's how funny i am, I got the woman in this picture to be my girlfriend. sure, i am a great kisser, but it was all about the funny. anywho, what i have been doing lately w/ most of my time is to take pictures. i hate typing. i do Not enjoy writing things down w/ pen or pencil. I do like aiming a camera at things and making a wee click sound. the click sound comes from a tiny speaker inside the camera. it is designed to make me feel as if it could be 1978. sometimes after i take a picture on my small fuji, i shake it as if it were a poloroid.

so this is my first blog on here. tried to do it on myspace, but i don't know how to put the pictures w/ it. i decided that me likey to tell my little stories w/ the aid of photographs, like mr. kenneth burns.

more later


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